Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nurgle Termies Drop in to be asaulted by Blood Angel Assult Termies!

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Chaos was left with just our supoprt vehicels!

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It all starts here on 23 feet X 6 feet of terrain. 8 Chaos and 6 Imperials all with 3500 points. Each team had 3500 points of divisional reserves. Go to www.d-company-wi.com for the rule set. Posted by Picasa

The walls Chaos will break upon... Posted by Picasa

The line up Chaos Space Marines, Trator Guard and Orcs ready to assault the Space Marine Chapters. Posted by Picasa

The assault on the Lunar Moon Fortress Posted by Picasa

The remnants of my 1050pt HQ on bikes getting smashed by a 550 Black Templar HQ. AHHH the Crux Save 7 out of 9 !!!!! Posted by Picasa

Tim's War Machine comes in from reserve to clear the city of the chaos infestation! Posted by Picasa

A close up of Tim's War Machine. Posted by Picasa

Nice decking on the this war machine. Posted by Picasa

The Imperial War Titan! Posted by Picasa

The Imperials Breach the Harbringer! Posted by Picasa